

电子游戏软件社会工作学院(Boston College School of Social Work)广受赞誉的拉丁裔领导倡议(latin Leadership Initiative)将于3月15日举行为期一天的活动,纪念其成立10周年, 拉丁裔社区的福祉:社会工作回应,,汇集了社会工作教育和实践领域的知名专家, and other related fields.

LLI活动的演讲嘉宾将包括前马萨诸塞州卫生与公众服务部部长玛丽露·萨迪斯, a former BCSSW faculty member; Joy Rosen, 马萨诸塞州总医院和马萨诸塞州总医师组织副总裁 & Mass General Brigham, System Behavioral and Mental Health, who will give the keynote; and University of California-Berkeley School of Social Welfare Professor Kurt Organista, who will offer the closing remarks.

BCSSW教授和LLI创始主任Rocío Calvo和LLI助理主任Ximena Soto将成为bc附属的演讲者之一, which takes place in Barat House.

August 22, 2023 -- Rocío Calvo, Boston College School of Social Work Professor, 拉丁裔领导力倡议(LLI)创始人/总监, photographed in her McGuinn Hall office.

LLI创始董事Rocío Calvo (Caitlin Cunningham)

Calvo founded the LLI in 2013, 设计了一个以群体为基础的方案,培养了近240名双语和双文化社会工作者,协助拉丁裔社区为复杂的卫生问题制定可持续的解决办法, education, housing, and other areas. 该课程的学生学习西班牙语课程, complete internships in schools, hospitals, and prisons, 并开展尖端电子游戏正规平台,塑造社会工作者支持拉丁裔客户的策略.

该倡议已被社会工作教育委员会多元化和社会中心认可为多元化教育的示范项目 & 《电子游戏软件》一书,并获得了全国最高的教育优秀奖.

When she first hatched the concept of LLI, 卡尔沃不知道她的想法是否会被考虑, let alone accepted: “I basically said, ‘Trust me, it will work.’” Fortunately, BCSSW—where she earned a doctorate in 2009, 2011年在哈佛大学获得博士后奖学金后加入了该学院.

“BC是耶稣会教育的化身:培养学生,” she said, 引用了前耶稣会院长汉斯·科尔文巴赫的话, S.J.“衡量耶稣会大学的真正标准在于我们的学生会成为什么样的人.”

“LLI students, many of whom are children of immigrants, 与不列颠哥伦比亚省最初成立的使命有关, to serve immigrant families,” Calvo continued. “As members of the community, LLI的学生和校友成为知识生产和知识应用之间的桥梁,以解决社区确定的问题. 因此,作为LLI的发源地,BC对其他国家产生了重大影响.

“通过西班牙语教学,我们为改变学生互动的学习空间打开了大门. For students, many for the first time, 这种变化使他们能够将真实的自我带电子游戏软件术空间,而这些空间在历史上一直拒绝充分表达他们的生活经历.”

而不是举办十周年庆典来歌颂这个项目, BCSSW的组织者看到了评估LLI的优势和挑战的机会, along with its future paths. To give the event added impact, 该学院邀请了包括哥伦比亚大学在内的其他社会工作学院的院长, University of Chicago, and University of Washington— as well as representatives from LLI’s partner organizations to discuss the health and mental health issues confronting Latinx communities in Massachusetts and nationwide; how to enable agencies to deliver culturally and linguistically congruent social work practice; and how bridging social work practice and research can address challenges facing Latinx communities.

“We thought, ‘Why not go deep? 让我们把我们的社会工作同事以及我们的社区合作伙伴——比如东波士顿社区健康中心和波士顿公立学校——请来看看到目前为止所做的工作, and what we could do,’” said Calvo, 感谢BCSSW院长Gautam Yadama提出的格式建议. “I want to learn. We all want to learn. This is the way to do it.”

“十年的拉丁领导倡议表明BCSSW在创新社会工作实践方面的国家领导地位,” said Yadama, 他将和教务长兼院长David Quigley一起在活动上表示欢迎. "在召集其他顶尖社会工作学院的杰出学者和院长时, 我们期待着为确保全国拉丁裔社区福祉的集体社会工作反应铺平道路.”

BCSSW社区倡议主任Yvonne Castañeda和教职员工Carolina vastlez - grau, Kirsten Davison, Christopher Salas-Wright, María Fernanda Piñeros-Leaño也将参加这次聚会.

calvo认为LLI的财务可持续性是未来几年的一个重要挑战,他对LLI的整体成功感到满意, but it is the program’s smaller, everyday triumphs that mean the most to her.

“让我坚持下去的是学生们,”她说. “To see them going to class, doing the work, discovering their strengths and abilities, 并观察他们向致力于改善人们生活的关怀专业人士的转变——这是我们的核心使命.”

欲了解更多关于拉丁裔领导倡议的信息,请访问 elahomecollection.com/lli.