International Studies Major

Connolly House

There are five components to the IS major:

  1. Taking the IS major core courses
  2. Selecting a concentration
  3. Learning a language (or two)
  4. Studying abroad
  5. Completing a senior seminar or thesis

以下部分概述了国际电子游戏正规平台专业学生的毕业要求, information that is also provided in the video posted on our Admission page. 关于专业要求的具体和详细信息在我们的 Academic Advising Handbook.

Once accepted into the program, majors should use the Major Course Plan 来规划他们的课程,并可能需要使用新的数字表格 course substitutions (used when you need an elective to count toward your IS major/minor), course withdrawals or pre-approvals, internship approvals, leaves of absence, etc. that are posted on the Registrar's Academic Forms page

IS Core Courses

Where on Earth? Foundations in Global History
INTL 2202 + discussion section

  • 3 credits; fall semester of sophomore year

Where on Earth? Foundations in Global Culture and Political Geography
INTL 2204 + Geography studio/lab 

  • 3 credits; fall semester of sophomore year

Introduction to International Relations
INTL 2501 + discussion section

  • 4 credits; spring semester of sophomore year

One designated Comparative Politics course
POLI x4xx

  • 3 credits; any semester

Principles of Economics
ECON 1101 + discussion section

  • 4 credits; any semester
  • 微观经济学和宏观经济学AP考试成绩均为5分的学生可以跳过ECON 1101, 但是他们需要选修另一门经济学选修课(ECON 2xxx).
  • AP微观经济学或宏观经济学成绩达到5分的学生, but not both, 必须通过经济学原理(ECON 1101)完成IS核心经济学要求。.
  • 2020届专业学生注意事项:选修ECON 1131(微观经济学原理)或ECON 1132(宏观经济学原理)的学生应该在大四时选修这门课程.

An approved Economics elective
ECON 2xxx or, with proper Econonmics pre-requisites, ECON 3xxx

  • 3 credits; any semester after Principles of Economics
  • 如果你想申请3000级的经济学课程,这是主要的要求, please confirm with Prof. Nakazato 

Ethics, Religion, and International Politics
INTL 5563 + discussion section

  • 4 credits; usually taken after studying abroad


专业学生的兴趣是否集中在四种跨学科集中, 在此期间,他们将学习两门基础课程和四门经批准的选修课(见 Courses page for details)..

Cooperation and Conflict

这种集中考虑了有关国际事务中合作与冲突电子游戏正规平台的基本理论和实证问题, including the causes of world wars, revolutions, and terrorism; the consequences of international and domestic actors’ attempts at reconciliation; the role of arms control, intelligence, international institutions, global governance, and grand strategy; and sources of state and individual security and insecurity. Every war is unique, every peace different, 学生将有充足的机会电子游戏正规平台世界各地的历史和当代案例. At the same time, students will approach war, peace, 和安全作为一般的社会现象,并检查跨案例和理论观点的共同特征和动态.

Ethics and Social Justice

这种集中考虑与当代国际事务有关的伦理的宗教和世俗框架, 以及可能出现道德问题的国际政治特定领域, including sovereignty, terrorism, peacemaking, human rights, economic justice, and the use of force in war or humanitarian interventions. 学生将有机会探索宗教的作用和社会正义的动机在国家和非国家行为体之间的互动.

Global Cultures

这种集中考虑了在全球连接的世界中文化制造和社区的两个维度. In the “Cultures at Work” cluster, students examine professional cultural production, 对文化进行批判性探究,既是一种复杂的意义创造活动,也是全球经济的核心商品. In the “Cultures and Social Movements” cluster, 学生将电子游戏正规平台如何通过培养和部署共享社会来形成社区和项目, cultural, religious, political, and economic resources. 全球文化集中者可以选择完成一个1学分的选修实习,无论是在文化产品的创造或在基层动员和其他参与方法的全球重要性和文化代表性的问题.

Please note专注于全球文化的专业和未成年人应该只参加那些预先批准的选修课程 ("Cultures at Work" or "Cultures and Social Movements"). 学生可以将课程摘要和/或教学大纲寄给本科教务主任,以申请批准将其他课程(包括其他课程组的课程)作为选修课。Prof. Nakazato)在课程的第一周之前(最好是在注册期间).


Political Economy and Development Studies

这种集中考虑政治和经济之间的相互作用,决定国家之间的相互作用, markets, and societies, both in the developed and developing world. Students will gain an understanding of the economic, political, 以及国际公共政策问题中的道德风险,并培养分析政策选择的能力. 集中的一个中心焦点是改善人类福祉, especially, though not exclusively, in the context of developing countries, including those in Africa, Asia, the Pacific and Latin America. 学生选择集中强调政治经济学(PE)或发展电子游戏正规平台(DS)的集群。.  

Please note:主修政治经济与发展电子游戏正规平台的专业和未成年人可以参加PE或DS集群批准的选修课程,并将其计入自己的集群.  学生可将课程摘要及/或课程大纲寄交本科生教务主任(Prof. Nakazato)在课程的第一周之前(最好是在注册期间).

Language Requirement

专业学生必须具备一门现代外语的高级熟练程度还是两门现代外语的中级熟练程度. 未成年人必须具备中等水平的现代外语能力吗. See the language requirement page for details on what these terms mean and how you can satisfy the requirement.

Study Abroad

专业的学生是否需要在国外学习一个学期,但不需要这样做. Nearly 90% of our majors study abroad for a summer, semester, or year. 那些没有参加的人——要么是因为他们是BC的国际学生, or for economic, personal, 或者运动原因——可以利用其他机会与国际学生接触, use their language skills, and meet people and groups from around the world (through the Global Engagement Portal, for example). See our Study Abroad page for more details.

Senior Seminar / Thesis

大四学生可以选择参加一个学期的高级电子游戏正规平台研讨会,或者和一名教师一起写一篇为期一年的高级论文,以完成他们的信息系统专业. See the Courses page for a list of senior seminars, and the Thesis page for details about writing a thesis.